Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Believe Me, You Don't Want a Picture of This!

So, today I had my 6 week checkup. I'm sorry to report that it DID NOT go okay :(
I'm still bleeding, so the doctor scheduled an ultrasound for tomorrow and thinks that part of the placenta is still hanging out in my uterus, which is not good. If so, I'll have to go in for a D&C. Thank God that my mother-in-law is coming next week in case I have to have the procedure. I'll need the extra help! As if that news wasn't bad enough, I had to have some scar tissue (yes, down in that area) frozen and pulled off! YES, IT HURT REALLY BADLY!

So needless to say, I could use your prayers. I'll keep you posted.

Oh, Robert's doing great!

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