Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New "Good Boy" Toy

Robert's appointment went well yesterday. He was such a good boy at the doctor's that Mommy bought him a new toy. As you can see, he was thrilled by it! So far, he's only fallen asleep on it, but he's got some time to grow into it. It's a little busy for him at this point.
Drum roll please....Robert weighed in at a wopping 14 lbs. 6 oz. and 24 in. yesterday. We're so proud of his accomplishment! Needless to say, he's a healthy boy.
He had his two month immunization shots, which was no fun for either of us. He screamed bloody murder when the nurse gave him the shots, but he quickly quieted down because as soon as she handed him back to me, I let him nurse. I highly recommend this method because he was immediately quiet and fell into a deep sleep. He slept all the way home, including during a quick trip into the grocery store. He slept and nursed off and on for a few hours, and then the screaming started again. Apparently I should have given him the Tylenol as soon as we left the doctor's, but I thought he was fine since he was asleep. Why drug a seemingly content baby? Well, I now know that pain prevention is the reason. His three shot areas on his legs became really painful after a few hours, and then he had to wait for the Tylenol to kick in. He literally screamed at the top of his lungs for about twenty minutes straight. He wouldn't even nurse. It was so sad to watch. Once he finally calmed down a little, I let him nurse off and on for the rest of the evening while I snuggled him close on my lap. Poor little pumpkin!
He's feeling much better this morning. However, he's ready for me to get off the computer!

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