Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Gold Medalist

If you only knew how long I've been trying to post! Basically, I have to make some serious choices when I finally get a moment to myself. Do I want to go to the bathroom? Eat? Take a shower? Brush my teeth? Get dressed? Post on the blog? Write a thank you note? Work on announcements? As you can see, some things obviously take precedence over others.
Needless to say, Robert is keeping me very busy. If growing was an Olympic sport, Robert would definitely win the gold! He weighed 10 lbs. 7 oz. last Thurs.! He gains more chunky rolls each day. As you can see in the picture above, though, feeding Robert is not always easy. He likes to sleep while eating, which, as we all know, is impossible, but he's still not convinced it can't be done. Basically, he tells me he's hungry by crying, and then when I start nursing, he conks out just like in the picture. Then, I spend the next hour trying to wake him up and keep him awake until he has a full feeding. I've tried everything--even a cold washcloth--and nothing seems to keep him awake. I deserve a lot of credit for his gold medal growing because without my persistence, the child would starve to death!
So basically we spend our days sitting together and eating, with few a breaks for his daddy to hold him, to get a diaper change or a bath, or to have a little walk in the stroller (if Mommy is lucky). He's more work than I ever imagined, but he's also more of a blessing and a miracle than I could have ever hoped. Rob and I can't believe he's ours and can't believe how much our love for him grows each and every day.
Keep checking the picture albums (link to left). Rob has been adding them as we take them, so enjoy!

1 comment:

Eric Wentz said...

Congratulations on a post! I loved reading it. I can't wait to join you in being totally busy with a baby. Only 8 more days! Eric and I would love to visit you guys. Is there any "good" time for you?
Let us know.