Sunday, August 3, 2008

Introducing Robert Mitchell Kunes, III

He's finally here! Many of you have already heard the news, but here are the stats:

Born: July 28, 2008 @ 6:38 a.m.
Weight: 9 lbs. 5 oz.
Length: 22 in.

He's a big, healthy boy, and his mom is quickly recovering from a marathon 27 hour (drug free) labor/delivery.

Rob and I are working on a detailed labor/delivery story mainly for our own recollection, but for anyone who's interested, I'll post it here when it's done. The short version is that we used all of the skills we learned in our Bradley Method class to achieve a drug-free birth. Robert came out alert and healthy. The only setbacks were that I did have to have an episiotomy, and I also had trouble clotting after the delivery of the placenta and lost a significant amount of blood, which is making my recovery a little longer than I had anticipated. I'm having to deal with stitches and anemia, but I'm feeling better each day.

Check out the new picture album called RMK III Week One in the column to the left.

We can't thank you enough for your prayers. We are blessed beyond belief by our new precious baby boy!


Eric Wentz said...

Congradutulations! We are so excited for you. He is such a little cutie. I praise the Lord that he is here healthy and beautiful. We would love to visit sometime. Let us know when would be good. :)

Great job Julie! I'm so proud of you for making it all the way!

Eric Wentz said...

Ok. I can't spell. :) Congratulations!