Monday, January 3, 2011

Guess What We Did Today!

Those who really know me won't believe it's true. But IT IS! We got Robert's hair cut--a little. He was a complete angel. It didn't hurt that they had cool chairs to sit in, lollipops, and a train table to play on while you waited. He actually loved it. And I held it together as best I could. I purposefully wore mascara so that I wouldn't let myself cry. The sweet lady who cut it was so sensitive. She at least acted like she loved his curls as much as we do. She cut them ever so gently and sparingly! Some military family went before us and had their baby's four curls cut into what the mom called a "boy haircut." I was a bit worried the stylist would think I was there for the same. I wanted to tell her that if that was the "boy haircut" we'd opt for the "girl haircut." I didn't have to, though, because I think from the look of Robert's mophead she could tell I wasn't going to part with those curls very easily. She cut just enough to get it out of his eyes and get rid of the tangles. She was also careful to heed my warning about cutting the top too short and creating a mullet. She did a beautiful, uniform cut. He's just as cute as ever! Thank you Pigtails and Crewcuts! You helped us through a huge milestone, and Mommy did just fine. Now on to toilet training...

1 comment:

Rachelan Griffin said...

He is precious. I see from your other blog that you were at Nashotah House. I am a married mother of three called to the priesthood. I am still in my discernment, but I am researching seminaries at the moment. How was the housing at Nashotah House? And how did your little ones like the community? Thank you so much, and blessings from one Mommy to another. -Rachelan Griffin