Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Snow

Tippin' back a nice sippy cup of hot chocolate (i.e. milk with a few teaspoons of Mom's hot chocolate) after a long play in the snow!

Robert and Hannah
Robert: This blasted hat is too big, mom!
Mom: Sorry son. It is hand-me-down winter gear. Who buys new when you're only here for a few more months?!

Robert's first attempt at a snow angel!

Robert and Hannah, and Duncan crawling around in the snow to amuse Robert. What a great kid!

Well, after about 30 minutes, I finally got Robert and myself all dressed in our winter gear and we headed outside to play in the 8+ inches (and still coming down) snow. He loved every minute of it, especially sledding. The temp. was about 30 degrees, so it was warm enough to stay out for a while. Tomorrow the high is only 9 degrees, so we had to get out today. I am pooped, but I wanted to post the pictures ASAP. I'm going to take a nap. I'll fill you in on the details later.

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