Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fall Festival 2009--Belated Review

I am such a slacker! I never posted anything about the Fall Festival this year! Robert had so much fun; I can't believe I never wrote about it. Aunt Julie got him another dog costume this year, though it was a totally different breed this time! He loves dogs just as much as she does, so it was the perfect costume for him. However, when we tried to put it on him a few weeks before the big day, he was not having it. He was content to drag it around like a stuffed dog, but he was not wearing it. Well, something happened between then and the big day, and when it was time, he was all for it! He loved trick-or-treating around campus. I only had to show him how to do it once before he was walking up to the doors and sticking out his pumpkin bucket for a treat. He loved carrying them in his bucket more than he cared about what kind of a treat they were. I was glad because I was not looking forward to prying the candy bars out of his hands! He liked the festival in the gym mainly because he got to walk around showing off his dog costume. He never once asked to take it off, and it was warm in the gym! We ended the night with a hay ride, which was cold but seemed enjoyable to him all the same. He conked out that night very easily! Thank you Aunt Julie for the cuter than ever costume, and thank you Nashotah community for putting on such a fun event!
I put a link to all of the Fall Festival pictures under Picture Albums over to the left.

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