Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nashotah Five Reunites

After a long summer apart, the Nashotah Five (all born in July '08) reunite. They can be found toddling around together during various times of the day depending on sleep schedules. Margaret's legs are longer than all of the babies' legs put together, and I think her walking record hit over a mile the other day when she went toddling across campus with her push chair. Adeline is bound for the stage as I've now seen her perform some complicated dance moves by herself in the center of a crowd of people, loving every minute of it. Aidan is our resident adrenaline junkie and has recently shown Robert how to crawl under a car AND how to stand up on the tricycle seat. Emmaline is a sweet and cuddly mommy's girl, but I'm proud to say that she'll come to me with a big smile every time! And Robert, well, he's a bruiser and if left alone would somehow injure (by accident, of course) most of the above mentioned babies with any of the various playground toys strewn around the circle. Though we only get to speak a few sentences together at one time because we're always chasing babies, we moms are good friends and love to share parenting ideas and trade stories.
I am so blessed to live like this!

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