Thursday, February 26, 2009

Swimmer Extraordinaire!

Robert had his first swim class at the YMCA today. He's in the "shrimp" class. He absolutely LOVED it! The only part he didn't like was when they had to get out of the pool onto the side. They were learning to crawl out and jump in (with moms holding them of course). I guess he thought it was time to get out each time and got a little unhappy. But overall he loved the class. The teacher had us singing songs like "Hokey Pokey" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" while doing movements with the babies. Then they worked on learning how to pull themselves up and out of the pool (obviously something they can't do yet by themselves, but it's never to early to introduce the idea). They worked on holding onto the edge of the pool and moving along the side. They also worked on 1, 2, 3 jump into the pool, the idea being that they wait to jump until it's time. They swam laps, on their fronts and backs. They played with balls. Robert splashed and kicked and laughed. He and his friend, Emma, smiled and laughed at each other. The class is a half hour, and the babies were completely tired out by the end. Emma fell asleep before we even got back to our cars, and Robert conked out in the car on the way home and is still asleep in his crib! I can't tell you what a joy the class was--for both of us! Hopefully we can get someone to take some pics of us in the pool next time.


CCH said...

He looks so much like you in this pic, Julie! ( : Same smile.

Craig Stephans said...

These pictures are gorgeous! What a cute baby. I hope you'all are doing well and seminary is going well for Robert. We are so eager to get back to SC.