Monday, December 19, 2011

Visit with Santa

Boy did we have fun visiting with Santa at the Jordan's last night! Robert was so excited anticipating the party where it was said that Santa just might show up. He was such a good boy all day long! He thought about what he would say to Santa and had it all planned out. And when Santa walked in the room, he was paralyzed in mid-cookie eating. He finished his green cookie as fast as I have ever seen him eat. He even wiped his hands and mouth when I whispered that he wouldn't want to mess up Santa's outfit. He sat right on the floor at his feet, and when Molly read Twas the Night Before Christmas, Robert couldn't keep his eyes off of Santa. He was looking him up and down with a cute grin on his face. He was completely enamored! When it was time for the children to take turns sitting on Santa's lap, Robert was first in line! He climbed right up there, and the whole room was quiet. Santa asked him to tell everyone his name. He said, "My middle name is Mitchell Kunes, the fird. name is Robert." Then he said loud and clear that he wanted that "marble fing" for Daddy and a talking Spiderman. And then he shut down. He couldn't remember anything else he planned to say. He was completely overwhelmed. He hopped down, and he promptly lost interest in Santa and began to inhale the big candy cane Santa gave him. I could kick myself that I left the camera in the diaper bag that got swept upstairs with the coats upon our arrival. We got a few not so great pictures. Better than nothing, I guess. Lillian did not want anything to do with Santa. Every time I asked her if she wanted to sit on Santa's lap or go near him, she said loud and clear, "Nooo!" Rob finally took her up to him and she was stiff and kept whimpering, "no". She sure didn't have any problems with the big ole candy cane, though. What a fun night! Many thanks to the Jordan's and to Santa for taking time out of his busy schedule to visit with us last night.

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