Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Look Who's Sitting Up Tall!

Only two more days until my little girl turns 6 months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying. I know, all parents say that. But it seems to be going much faster with two children than it did with just Robert. While I'm glad that Lillian is getting older and much less "sensitive," I was thinking just last night that I no longer really have an infant. And for about one second, I was nostalgic and a bit sad. Then I looking at her happy, healthy, smiling face. This age suits Lillian much better than infancy! She is laughing and smiling (mostly at the Kunes boys) all the time. She just loves to watch her brother play. He is starting to love her more and more, too. He's always loved "his baby," but he's actually trying to play with her these days. He sits next to her on the floor and plays with her toys with her. He tickles her toes and fingers and is quite gentle with her (for a two year-old). She especially loves it when he puts his face right near hers and lets her grab his curls. One would think it would hurt (it does when she grabs my hair), but he loves it and laughs! So basically, at six months Lillian is happier than she's ever been, loving life, and loving her family. Happy six month birthday my sweet girl!

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