Monday, February 8, 2010

18 Month Olds and Cabin Fever

Hopefully you haven't given up on me and this blog. It's been a crazy few months. By "crazy," I don't mean filled with activity and fun. I mean filled with fatigue and queasiness, which is finally fading, thanks be to God! Baby K2 had finally made a home for him/herself, and my body finally accepts that. I still have some major food aversions and am really tired at night (probably normal for any mother of an 18 month-old), but other than that, I'm feeling much better. Baby K2 is healthy and happy as you can see from the small ultrasound picture by the above pregnancy ticker. I'm 13 weeks, and according to my pregnancy book, he/she is the size of a peach!
In other news, Robert is also doing quite well but bored out of his mind in all this cold and snowy weather cooped up in a small apartment. It turns out that he's not a "sit and play quietly" kind of toddler. He needs to run and play to have fun, wear himself out, and consequently sleep. So, each day is a challenge to see what I can concoct for us to do to wear Robert out so that he will nap. Seriously, thank you God for the YMCA. We've been swimming and playing there most days. Robert is signed up for a swim class and a gym class starting in two weeks. Despite his need for active play, Robert is still a sweet, cuddly boy who loves his thumb and blanket ("binkah") more than all of his toys put together. He's talking all the time and still signing every now and again (mostly just for "please" and "thank you"). He adores his Daddy more and more everyday. He mostly calls him "my Daddy" and talks about him and to him all day long. Everything in the house belongs to Daddy or Robert; nothing belongs to Mommy. It's weird to watch him identifying with Daddy and distancing from Mommy just like James Dobson spoke of in Bringing Up Boys. Okay, it's hard and sometimes makes me jealous, but it's what is supposed to happen, so it's good. I still relish our alone time before bed and our cuddles during the day.
Rob is busy finishing up his studies with 3 more classes. We still don't have any news about where we'll be next year, but we trust that God has a plan and will reveal it in His own perfect time. We ask you to pray that we will continue to have faith in God's plan and have PATIENCE! We also ask that you pray for us to make it through the rest of this winter with minimal cabin fever, or any other kinds of fever for that matter!
We love you!

1 comment:

Hawley said...

Hey darlin! Thanks again for tonight :) I can't seem to stalk you well enough to figure out an email, but I figured I knew one way to reach you!

Anywho, my email is my name (with a dot in between) at gmail dot com.

It was a joy meeting you both! :)