Tuesday, June 9, 2009

10 Months Already?!

I can't believe my tiny (okay, he was never tiny) baby is 10 months old! He is changing so fast these days. It seems like every day he can do something new. Here are a few things that come to mind:
*He crawls very fast now, mostly using one foot and one knee.
*He pushes himself up to his feet but doesn't stand up, yet (makes kind of like a bridge).
*We figured out the other day that he can climb stairs (he was up four stairs when we realized where he was and what he was doing---we accidentally left the gate open).
*He can pull himself up to anything.
*He can now sign "eat" and "milk," though I think he thinks the sign for "milk" means "mommy"--great. It's interesting how he just all of a sudden started this, which is exactly what they said would happen.
*He eats by himself and WILL NOT take ANYTHING from a spoon (okay, so we haven't tried ice cream, yet).
*He can drink out of his sippy cup by himself.
*He can say "da" which means either "dog" or "daddy". You have to figure it out.
* He LOVES dogs and notices them everywhere.
I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, but I had to get all of this down before I forgot it.
We just got back from a trip to Charleston, so check out the new video under our albums to the left.

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