Saturday, April 11, 2009


This is Jordan, the cutest and messiest two-year old I know. Here she has a cotton candy beard. Strangers kept stopping to comment on how cute and sticky she was! Mmmm cotton candy, a girl after my own heart!

Here they're having a romp in Ty's big boy bed. Note shirtless Jordan off to the side. She's not missing any of the fun!

Just the boys...Ty is so loving and patient with Robert. Well, except when he's "talking" too loud during one of Ty's movies. He'll learn...

We have been so blessed this year to get to spend so much time with my niece and nephew, Jordan and Ty, in Atlanta. My sister Lisa and I have tons of cousins, but we didn't get to see them much growing up, so we have no real connection to them now. Honestly, if we even saw some of them walking down the street, I bet we wouldn't even recognize them! I'm glad that Robert and his cousins will be much closer than we were with ours. They already love each other so much! Jordan says all the time, "I wuv baby Wobert." And when Robert gets fussy, Ty always comes up to him and whispers, "It's okay baby Robert, I'm here." How cute is that?!

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