Friday, November 21, 2008

Visit to Atlanta

Robert and his cousin, 3 1/2 year-old Ty, being couch potatoes in front of the TV. They were watching Kung Fu Panda, and Robert was really into it!

Robert and his cousin, 1 1/2 year-old Jordan, on a pony at the Fall Festival. Jordan tried her hardest to hold him on, but he's almost as heavy as she is!

Robert loved snuggling with his Mabop!

Robert and I just got back from 10 days in Atlanta. We had a wonderful time hanging out with Aunt Lisa, Uncle Lee, Cousins Ty and Jordan, and Mabop and Pabop. Yes, those are the names that firstborn grandchild, Ty, gave my parents, and they have stuck. He was really into the Doodle Bops at the time!
Robert was so easy on the airplane, both ways. He nursed a little and slept on the way there, and he slept the whole way home. Perfect! He had a little trouble sleeping while there and reverted back to getting up during the night. It was pretty easy, though, since I was alone in the bed. I would just go get him and nurse him in bed with me, and he'd sleep with me for the rest of the night. Not too bad.
He really loved watching his cousins play, and they loved him. 1 1/2 year old Jordan was a little jealous because she is no longer the baby in the family. She had to do everything Robert did, like swing in the baby swing, sit in the baby carseat, hold Robert's bunny and silkie, and get rocked and burped like Robert. Ty loved his "baby brover, Wobert." He couldn't quite get the relationship straight, but he knew that he loved him, whoever he was. He actually tried to make me a trade. He said something like, "Youcan (he runs those words together) take Sisters (that's what he calls Jordan) to you house, and wecan have Wobert wif us." As much as I love "Sisters," I had to turn down the offer. He may have changed his mind later, though, because during one of his overtired meltdown episodes, he said that Wobert bit him. He was dead serious and ran crying to his room. I can only imagine how viciously Wobert must have attacked him with his gummy jaws! Very scary.
The only downside to our trip to Atlanta was the cold/ear infection that set in when we got home. Who knows how he got it (Lisa's kids weren't sick), but he did. We came back Sunday, and by Monday he had a fever of 103.8. Thank God (seriously, thank you God) for our neighbor, an ER doctor/deacon, soon to be priest, who came over Monday evening to check him out. Sure enough, it was an ear infection. We started him on antibiotics, and he ran a fever (kept down with Motrin) until Thursday. I think he's finally feeling a little better, though congested from the cold. I must say that this week has honestly been the worst week of my life, so far. It is pure Hell watching your baby suffer from sickness, first of all. And second of all, it's horrible to be stuck in the house for a whole week! Yesterday I couldn't take it anymore, so Rob came home from school to watch him for a few hours while I got out. I felt much better after that. Robert seems much better today, though he's still not eating much. Please pray for his continued healing.

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