Sunday, February 6, 2011

Lillian's Take on Life Lately

So I bet you're wondering what we've been up to lately here at the Kunes household. Well, it's been exciting, as always! Just last night we had a fire truck at our house! Mommy and Daddy burnt our Super Bowl chicken wings on the grill and someone from the busy road behind our house called the Fire Dept. when they saw the smoke. Boy was Robert excited when he had his own personal tour around the fire truck! I was just excited about the pretty lights.

My brother got a new big boy bed! He's sleeping so well in it--no problems at all. You'll notice that the sheets are pink. They are Dora sheets and came with the bed that Mommy found for cheap on Craigslist. Robert loves Diego AND Dora, so he was thrilled with the sheets. I figure he'll give them to me when he decides it's not cool to sleep on pink sheets! I got his old crib. I don't like it at all. I still prefer the double bed I share with Mommy. But she's going to start making me sleep in my crib very soon. Boo!

My brother's been taking pictures. He got this close up of me. Pretty good, huh?!

Here we are on a lazy Saturday just playing. Robert likes to be in all pictures, so here he is in front of me.

Here I am playing with my toy that Mom figured out how to hook onto the swing. It's supposed to go on a stroller, but hey, this works!

Here is Robert building "tall towers." He builds them up and knocks them down while I watch. I can't wait until I'm big enough to knock them down!

I love this thing! If I'm not busy swinging myself in my swing, it's my favorite. Yep, you read correctly. I figured out how to move my body back and forth to swing myself in the swing. It's fun! We'll have to get a video of it...

Robert and I were sick for a very long week. We had cold symptoms, but he had a fever for 6 days straight! Boy are we glad that we're feeling better--FINALLY!

Here's my new exersaucer that Mom found on Craigslist for cheap! I love it!

Robert and Mommy have been making fruit smoothies for breakfast and popsicles with the leftovers. Can't wait til I can have some of these! Only a few more weeks before I can start trying solid foods!

My Daddy built this "train table" for Robert. They had fun building it together. Robert likes to play all kinds of things on it. My Daddy is so clever! Robert wants to be just like him when he grows up. He even told him that he's going to grow up to be a Daddy Priest, too. Boy does Robert melt Daddy's heart. Robert told me I could grow up to be a Mommy. That sounds good to me. I'm certainly a Mommy's girl!

This is Robert eating his black eyed peas, black beans, and collard greens on New Year's Day. We all ate them for good luck. Well, mine came in the form of Mommy milk, but it's still good luck!

Mommy couldn't resist this shot of my chunky thighs. This picture does not do them justice. I'm a big girl, but I'm nowhere near as big as my brother was at this age.

A baby in a sassy black frock? Not sure about this one....but I'm pretty cute in whatever I'm wearing!

My brother has been quite the artist lately. He finger paints in the very Jackson Polluck-esque!

Well, that's about it for us. We'll check back in with you after I turn 6 months, coming up very soon. Can you believe how fast I'm growing? We can't!

1 comment:

Stacy White said...

This is awesome. You are such a wonderful Mommy to create a beautiful blog, to be treasured for many, many, years.
The Train Table is amazing. I had know idea Father Rob was so crafty. Too Cool.