Monday, March 9, 2009

7 Months

I can't believe we're already well into Robert's seventh month. He's become a real "ham" as you can see in the pictures. He loves to pose for the camera, and we love taking his picture!

He's weighing in at a whopping 22 lbs. 12 oz. these days (as of last Thurs.). He's eating lots--green beans are the newest addition, and he loves them.

The most recent news is that he's got a little tooth "bump" on the top! There are no signs of anything on the bottom, yet. He's not big on letting me look in his mouth, so it's hard to tell. He doesn't seem to be too uncomfortable, but this may explain why he gets up so often at night. Let's hope so--at least then I know there's an end in sight! Come on toofers!

I can't really think of anything else that is new with him. He's still more interested in sitting up and playing with toys than laying on his stomach and/or crawling--no signs of that, yet. He's still a very laid back, happy boy. We love him more than we ever thought possible!!!!

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