Poor second-child Lillian. Robert had a dozen or so posts about him by this time, and Lillian's had only two, one announcing her birth and one describing the turmoil of it! Oh well, she's lucky to have an awesome big brother to grow up and play with, which Robert did not have and would have loved, I'm sure! So here's a little bit about our sweet baby girl Lillian at seven weeks old tomorrow:
First of all, she's a big baby. She was up to 12 lbs. at her last doctor's appointment, which was almost two weeks ago. She's doesn't seem to eat a ton, like Robert seemed to at her age, but she sure is growing. She's a snacker--only about 5 min. nursing on one side, and then after an hour and a half to two hours, maybe another 5 or so on the other side. I was so worried about it at first, thinking that she wasn't eating enough, but I was quickly reassured each time they weighed her in the hospital--she was gaining even while she was sick!
She's a needy little lady, too. She doesn't like to be put down, and she will almost never sleep laying by herself. This could be partly due to her traumatic beginning, but it could also just be her personality. OR, it could just be a stage that will change in time. Most likely it's just a stage because I remember Robert being this way at first, too. She's in the wrap as I type this, sound asleep. Robert spent a lot of time in the wrap, too!
She's just now starting to smile every now and again, but not a ton. Let's see...what else...her big brother mostly just startles her with his loud noises and "gentle" touching. She doesn't seem too impressed with him, yet, but I know she will be. It won't be long before he's her biggest entertainment! He sure loves her, though. He's overcome with love and interest in her about two or three times a day. It happened in the middle of church this past Sunday. He kept saying really loudly, "Mommy, look at her little earsies, Mommy." That's all of her he could see because she was in the wrap. And then he said extra loud (I was embarrassed but proud), "Mommy, I love her, Mommy!" And then he asked even louder, "Obert gonna see her drink Mommy milk?" Then I was really embarrassed and finally talked to him about using his "church whisper" voice. He also tries to rock her in her swing, which is nice but extremely dangerous because he thinks she likes to go "eal high." He tries to help her when she's crying by putting her pacifier back in her mouth, but he only makes her cry harder by shoving it into her mouth as hard and fast as he can.
That's about all I have time to write about, but hopefully there will be another post before she's six months old!