It's the last week before classes, and the past few weeks have been, well, lazy and boring. That's a good thing!
We've enjoyed having Rob around to play and help with household chores.
We've been welcoming new families.
We've been playing outside a lot! Robert still LOVES all kinds of balls and is getting really good at throwing. He also loves playing with the young boys in the community, and boy do they love him. Everytime we see them it's, "Oh, it's Robert, hi Robert!" And the teenage girls also flock to him, but all they want to do is kiss and cuddle, and he's just not as into that as they would like!
Robert's been to the doctor. He's in the 100th% for height! Oh, and he weighs 27 lbs. (only 95th%).
I can't really think of anything else to write about. Life is good....